Monday, December 29, 2014


One of the risks of being quiet is that the other people can fill your silence with their own interpretation: You’re bored. You’re depressed. You’re shy. You’re stuck up. You’re judgmental. When others can’t read us, they write their own story—not always one we choose or that’s true to who we are.
—  Sophia DemblingThe Introvert’s Way: Living a Quiet Life in a Noisy World  

Shy. Antisocial. Weird. Awkward. Socially awkward. Odd. Strange. Rude. Stuck up.

I have been called these words by family, friends, and dweebs (my personal opinion, since they're the ones who used the rude ones.) But the correct term to call them in return is: uninformed.

They don't get what being an introvert is always like, even for those who are introverts themselves. It's tricky to understand the reason behind an introvert's actions, and it can come off wrong- a lot. Unfortunately.

Last semester, I spent 5/7 evenings sitting alone on a couch. I would watch shows, do homework, or other activities on my computer or with books.
I never stay for the end of parties if I have a choice.
I come late to parties. I either say a quick hello to everyone before leaving, or I talk to maybe two people for a while before leaving.
I like to stick with the people I came with, especially if I don't know the crowd very well.
Or I stand alone next to the punch.
I get grumpy if I am around people all day long.
I like to plan events with people in advance. That way, I know how long I will be surrounded by others.
I don't have many close friends. The majority of them are in my family.
I'm friendly, but keep many conversations short before sitting in my room alone.
I don't do a lot of team activities.
I am good at being part of a team, but I am not always in the midst of everything.
Sometimes I work better alone.

If you agree with a lot of this, then you're most likely an introvert as well. I go through stages of being awkward with others, but I am really good at getting along with others- at my jobs, I am often a favorite. This is not being boastful, but factual to show that I am good with people. And I think people are good.

I just don't always want to be around them all the time.

Here's one of the several guides I have found online, silly comics as they are, but useful tips to remember for the rest of you extroverts and for other confused introverts. With this, I have come to realize that I'm not a mean person, I just get tired of interacting with others. This has left me rather confused why I always make friends with extroverts, but hey, they're usually always around if I want to hang out for, you know, ten minutes or so.

Here are more tips for loving an introvert:
1. Respect our differences. Respect we like to be alone and that does not make us lonely. Respect us when we say no to activities.

2. Give us warning. We can handle sudden surprise adventures maybe 2x a year. We like mentally preparing before going anywhere or doing anything. A 15 minute warning is really helpful.

3. Out in public, be careful what you say to us. We are not avoiding you because we don't like you, we are avoiding interaction that puts a toll on us. If we did something wrong, we will gladly fix it but there is a 99% we are struggling to hold back tears. We're sort of sensitive like that and we'd rather not have an audience. Another reason to avoid surprises.

4. Give us a minute. We aren't the kids who race into the water unless we've felt it first. Let us scope out the place before we do anything.

5. One best friend is all we need. Most others are acquaintances and a few in the middle are simple friends. We aren't good at juggling and we don't believe our secrets should be shared with everyone. We like commitment and want only a few special people kept close to our hearts. We don't like being hurt. 

6. Don't push us. We like new things, I promise. But give us a minute, okay? We like new experiences but don't push us at a party or to try something we don't want to. If we say a negative answer twice or more, we are serious. Don't push us into that cute person we've been eyeing, don't shove a hot pepper in our mouths, don't push us off a cliff into water- give us a minute, let us evaluate it, and we'll let you know.

7. Accept us. We are not going to become extroverts. There are days where we might act like it (usually when we have felt cooped up and gone too long without people. You know, like a dog), but at the end of the day, we want to curl up in our blankets with a good book and do our own thing. We are independent, just in a different way!

And finally, a few tips for the introverts:

1. Ground yourself. Have a homebase, a haven, a noun (person, place, thing) that you go to when overwhelmed or to rejuvenate.  Me, it's my computer. It is an outlet for me to empty my mind, recharge, and breathe easy. Have something so after a long day, you can have piece of mind. Everyone should keep in mind that introverts often deal with anxiety and if you take this away from them, you are either going to make them cry or they will attack you. Also to ground yourself, you can find another outlet form in action, such as: yoga, meditation, cooking, baking, and so on.

2. Be aware. It's easy to preocupy yourself when you're struggling in a situation, such as your best friend's huge party. You love them, but you don't know all these weird people dancing to weird music and you just DO NOT want to be there. Or you've succeded and there's a fancy dinner in your favor. There are some occasions where you do need to be there for others, to be present for something, and even if it's been a long day, we all have to deal with things we don't want to. We have to grow up. So learn to be more aware of your actions and words. Try to be polite, and explain your actions more clearly. You want to leave early? Explain to your best friend you aren't feeling well, and you want to give them your gift while hanging out tomorrow. Someone is talking to you? At least participate in a bit of small talk instead of yes/no answers and finally walking away. Trust me, I know it can be torture, but pull yourself together and know you will survive this! Breathe and focus!

3. Don't hide forever. My plan since I was about 12 years old, was to become a hermit. I remember one rumor I heard growing up about me, was that I can't have kids. The only way I can figure this came about is because I mentioned often enough that I like to be alone, I'm too awkward to get married, and I'll probably just hide away forever. That was sort of my creed growing up. But I do honestly believe that the human race wasn't meant to be alone. We're meant to connect with one another and there are people out there that you do, can, and will connect with. Just give it time. Breathe, focus, center on the now (on occasion), and remember that people are there for you.

The world is filled with amazing people, both introverts and extroverts alike. It is possible! Both parties are powerful, creative, and willing to go the extra mile- whatever it takes! We are all powerful, with our own strengths and weaknesses. 

And just because we seem shy, awkward, momentarily rude, or too busy in our brains, it doesn't mean we're being mean. It means we're trying to stay sane and we really just want to be watching that new tv episode, or reading that new chapter, or trying to solve a puzzle inside our minds.

Enjoy this video, on the power of introverts. We appear the weakest, but that isn't so.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

My Books of 2014

So, I wanted to make a goal of reading 365 books this year!

Unfortunately, I only made it to about 55. And that was all during the summer. But it is my goal to succeed in this someday. Probably when I'm retired, I don't know.

I don't feel too bad. I didn't learn to hold my breath for a minute. That was my other new year's resolution.

Anyways, I still read some awesome books! So I wanted to point out my top five!

In no particular order:

#1: Metamorphosis by Kafka

Katie Barnes introduced me to Kafka over the summer when we both decided to start up on our reading and found free ebook apps for our smart phones. Among them were several Kafka books, most of which are short stories of about 50 pages, I think?

This is the story of a man who one day, wakes up as a huge cockroach.

#2: No Exit by Sarte

Granted, this is not a novel, but a play. I firmly believe this counts. It's considered a tragicomedy as well as an absurdist play (I love theater, you guys!). And it's freaking awesome. Katie Barnes can also assure you that Sarte is pretty awesome in himself because he is a philosopher of types and such.

Anyways, summary: three people are sent to hell and share a room with some couches. They seem normal until the truth comes out and while nothing overtly dramatic happens, the characters and the plot are enough. Turns out that hell doesn't have to be scary and bloody- not when you're stuck there with two people who annoy you the most!

#3: Dracula's Guest by Bram Stoker

This is a short story collection written by Stoker after his (in)famous Dracula and might I say, the man was brilliant. And I do mean brilliant. There are haunting, intriguing tales, a few without answers and a few that leave chills tingling down your spine! It was pretty awesome. I'm just saying. It took me a few weeks to finish, just because of my schedule and I have lately only been reading on my very very free bits of time. But it was worth it and very enjoyable. Seriously. So if you ever read Dracula, even if you only somewhat liked it, you'll enjoy these!

Summary: haunting, chilling tales. Rats haunt a man living in an old building, a man finds the wife he buried, and strange sounds and sights are found.

#4: Green Rider by Kristen Britain

My mom was introduced to this series by a friend, I don't recall who. Anyways, us three girls saw the cool cover of a young girl with a horse and green strange lights and yeah, it was a few inches thick but if you know my family, then that only gets our attention all the more. So we all read it, along with the other two or so books that followed the tale and had been published. I thought of them a few times on occasion after, since hello, CLIFFHANGER! And this summer, in my boredom, I found them again! There were two more published books, so I just basically reread everything. It was pretty awesome, if you don't mind my saying. Although the time-traveling one? Definitely not my favorite. That still really, really bugs me. But otherwise! It's pretty sweet.
If you want to read this, please be warned: the final book has still not been published.

Summary: A young girl receives the "call" to become a rider for her King. The brooch gives her the ability to be unseen and an unusual horse leads her on dangerous journeys to save her king and the kingdom.

#5: Falling Up by Shel Silverstein

Oh come on, who doesn't love Silverstein? Realizing I didn't have his books and I was constantly googling them- so I asked and received Falling Up for Christmas! I'm so excited! One day I hope to read them to my kids. They will love them- they don't have a choice. Some are just quirky, and other pages are more meaningful and just plain awesome.

Summary: Awesome short limericks and other poems.

----------------------------> And those are my top five books of the year!<------------------------------------

And with my top five, of course I have to make a list of the next five I am dying to read!

#1: Paradise Lost by John Milton

Epic Poem about The Beginning. Enough said. I have had friends trying to get me to read this book for years and I did start it, but the writing is so unique and powerfully written that I want to be able to dedicate time to understanding and comprehending this, so I am saving it for a better day and I am hoping it comes this year! I also need to read the sequel, Paradise Regained.

#2: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

Because who wouldn't want to read this book? I have read so many of the popular classics but alas, not this one. Not yet, anyways! But soon! It should be a fairly easy read and if I have a spare weekend to share with this novel, it's going to happen! There are so many film and story versions of the legendary man-monster but I would like to see how it really originated.

#3: The Chocolate Therapist by Julie Pech

My dear sister, Jordyn, bought this for me for Christmas. There is a high chance, seeing as I've already read the first three chapters, that I will finish it before 2015 starts. But you never know. I just want to make sure I finish it soon. It's very educational so far, though I do find the necessity of reading and eating chocolate at the same time, so I might need to work on that... but I'm excited to find nutritional excuses to eat more chocolate. Cheers!

#4: The Writer's Journey by Christopher Vogler

My theatre professor at SUU was amazing and it was possibly my favorite class ever where we just read and discussed plays. I totally aced it because it was easy but I still loved every minute of it. Seriously. Anyways, I talked to her some more and I explained my hopes of writing plays and being a screenwriter and stuff, and she told me that this book would be brilliant. I bought it for like $3 on and though I haven't finished it, I haven't regretted it! I'm really excited to finish it and learn better about story structure. I know the basics and understand everything being said, but I was never able to put it into words like this before!

#5: Love & Misadventure by Lang Leav

I follow Lang Leav on tumblr and she's always posting excerpts of her poetry. They are so simple, but beautifully written. She's written another one as well and she's working on other projects as well. It's so lovely, I just love rereading whatever she shares on the web and I'm hoping to purchase her books soon and make sure I read every poem!

And there we have it! The top five books I read for 2014 and the top five books I'm excited to read in 2015! If these are too grown up by any means, please go through what Rick Riordan is writing. He finished his other series, Heroes of Olympus and I finally read the finale and he's such a quirky writer and I adore the stories, as silly as they may be....

This post doesn't have much of an ending, and I apologize. I can't help my fascination with books. It's a collection of a set of 26 letters in repetition, but there is magic to be shared!

So I hope you enjoyed this.

What are YOUR top books? Of this year or next? 
I don't think I'm missing any, but then again I have been living in a little town.


Friday, December 12, 2014

Playlist #2: Christmas Moooood Music!

'Tis the season!

I've been listening to the carols on and off for weeks now and thought I should share my top seven favorite Christmas carols!

While they are all classics, some just ring better, don't they?

7. Carol of the Bells

I still don't know the words well, but the tune... the tune is incredible! It's haunting and dazzling and it always sends a shiver down my spine. We were able to perform this in a choir I was in several years ago and I think we ended up singing that at the San Diego temple and... it was amazing.

6. Do You Hear What I Hear?

It's one of the first Christmas songs that really just hit me as a child. Sure, you listen to the tunes... but then you just really get it for the first time, and it opens your eyes. Again, I was in a school choir- my first one, in grade school. We did A Christmas Carol and we performed several songs, such as this one.

5. I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day

Along with the other two, this was one of the beginning Christmas songs that I really started singing and enjoying on my own. It's just... awesome. Plus it's like in the Church Hymns and everything so that's cool.

4. Last Christmas

To be honest, I really don't care who sings this song. I don't care that it's basically repeating itself the whole time, that the chorus is basically the entire song. I don't care how stupid it is. But I happen to always enjoy it. I can't help it.

3. All I Want for Christmas is You

I wouldn't call myself a Mariah Carey fan, but I'm a fan of this song. Might be Katie's fault. I think she started a recent obsession with this song so.... yeah. Here I am. Listening to a fabulous song.

2.  What Child is This?

Not only is this song written to Greensleeves, an IRISH song, but it's so sweet. And Katie and I sang this with her ukulele skills last Christmas while in China. It built a lot of memories. That, and like five years ago Jordyn and I surprised our parents by doing an instrumental duet with guitar and piano for them. So that's cool, too. it's just such a good song!

1.  Where Are You Christmas?

I remember when I first saw How the Grinch Stole Christmas- the live action one that made this an instant Christmas hit. Then it was Jenessa's favorite Christmas movie so we always had to watch it. Then we just added it to our routine of Christmas movies to watch during the season. It's sweet and powerful and sends you Christmas season feels. It's perfect!

-Sorry for taking so long to get this out! But what can I say? I'm trying to enjoy the holidays! So, am I missing any great hits, you guys? Let me know if you think so!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

My Ways of Buying and Selling

Growing up, I didn't know that much about fashion. Nor did I care. My two sisters can definitely attest to this. Growing up, we would watch the occasional TLC shows about whole new wardrobe make-overs and so on. And they would incessantly make jokes that they should get me on there.

But what should I have known? I was 12.

Today, I still enjoy the t-shirt and jeans but now I make sure they fit better, and they are to my liking.

And now, to answer where I actually buy my things:

Thrift shops
American Eagle

(My family buys me little shoes or clothing these days, because the sizing might be off or as has happened often in the past, I just want to return it for something else)

Thrift shops! Cedar City has about three that I have ventured through. DI's is fine, but they are actually pretty expensive for a secondhand store. So I prefer the Catholic one. It's hard to get there during their limited hours, but at the end of the month they do most 95% of their clothing on sale for: 50 cents.

American Eagle is the occasional stop, because it's Katie's favorite store. I've come to the recent discovery, thanks to her, that AE has jeans that look pretty good on me. So when I'm willing to splurge, that's where I get my jeans and the occasional fun thing.

Wal-Mart is definitely not my favorite store. But I'm a college student in a college town. I'm limited and I work with what I have. My parents gave me a gift card for my birthday there a few years back and so I bought this absolutely adorable- and modest- skirt that I still wear often.

Online there are a myriad of possibilities! I've tried and tested out several options. E-Bay is fine, but make sure you are aware of the complete cost, where it's shipping from, good pictures, and details. Rehash got me started, and that was fun- you post your own clothes and you trade with people! You pay to ship your own things, they pay to ship theirs, and sometimes it's really tricky to work out a trade, but it's possible! And another one, Listia. You buy and sell using credits, just an online form of money with them. You can charge for shipping, or you don't need to.

In addition, I like to sell my things online, like E-Bay and Listia. They work fairly well although you won't always be able to sell them. Sometimes it takes a while or sometimes you have to sell it for less. But you can sell just about anything as long as it's in fine condition.

Also, luckily for Cedar City- and you can check for your town, too- Facebook Blog Shops! Weird, strangely trendy, but they work! There's 3-4 for Cedar City and some you have to ask be invited, others you can join all on your own.

Guess what some people do on vacation? They shop. Whenever you are heading out of town, try looking up their thrift shops. We had about 5 on our old main street back in San Diego and there were absolutely delightful finds everywhere!

How to sell: Take good pictures. If it's clothes, wear them without showing your face. It allows people to know how it looks on a body. Weird, but trust me on this. Make sure they are clean. Use good lighting for the pictures. and if there is anything wrong at all, you have to warn them on the snag, thread, or stain.

And post! Talk to the people, be ready to go a step further with shipping, cleaning, or whatnot, just in case! Post often, keep them recent, and make them look good!

Here are some links to more tips on shopping and selling:

Click here to find out how to buy, flip, and sell!
Click here to shop successfully at thrift shops!
Click here to find ideas and tutorials on fixing the wrong-sized clothes you bought!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Tonight, my family hosted a dinner for the missionaries. They were both elders from out of the country- from England and the Phillipines! Cool or what, right?

As they were getting ready to leave, they asked us to clarify the meaning of Thanksgiving.

And as media loves to do, stories get twisted and changed around to befit people's preferences of their points of view. In other words, it's sometimes hard to tell the true basis of a story, to get the first-hand account where as second-hand and further-hand accounts can change meanings, words, ideas, everything!

Then again, my favorite movie for this time of year is the Adams Family Values.

Yeah. Because it's amazing.

To my point!

What am I grateful for this year? An abundance of literal, figurative, spirital, and amazing things! I've been given a myriad of blessings and I just wanted to make a quick list of my gratitude.

1. My family's acceptance of who I am. I can make them laugh, I can make them cry. They can make me laugh, they can make me cry, and though we have our problems, I have never been so accepted by another human being. They support me, advise me, and at the end of the day, they will still love me even if I piss them off. After all, we're stuck together for eternity! And I love them for that.

2. Katie. Granted, I don't think she reads this, ehm. But on the other hand, she's read some of my other work and my family doesn't really do that. My family has a foundational belief on who I am, but Katie pushes me to be better and sets a great example of being a good and insanely happy person. She roots me on, she listens to my rants, and we have the best talks about everything and nothing all the time. She's insane, but she also accepts my own insanity, and I love her for that (in a nonlesbian way. Just making that clear. Some people have issues with that. ehm)

3. Food. More specifically, foreign food. I dream every day of the asian foods I ate in China, and I love anything nonAmerican. I love American, too, of course. But still. Well, food in general. I'm just a really big fan of food. It's an outlet of creativity, it becomes a delicious work of art that you get to participate (in eating). Benjamin Franklin might have said we should only eat to survive, but I say nay to that! It's become an adventure, and I have promised myself to try five new foods per year and I already did about double that this year and last. Food is awesome, and it's especially wonderful that I'm not allergic to anything. (though sour and bitter foods may stay out of my way. ain't happening)

4. The written word. We take this for granted. It's a special form of communication that is very close to my heart. In silence, you can share a story and change the word. The pen is mightier than the sword. I mean, take the media for example- the news can say whatever they want in the paper and people will believe it. People might take this for granted, but it's an insanely amazing ability! I thank Guttenburg daily for the press.

5. The gospel. I'm a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and it's a part of me. This is a part of my life, it's not just a hobby. It impacts everything I do, say, see- everything. I'm so happy to be a member and to have this in my life. We have living prophets who speak to us, and an organized church of truth and filled with wonderful members who will drop everything to help take care of each other. I pray nightly in gratitude for everything, and especially the gospel.

6. Autumn evenings. There is nothing better than curling up in a big sweater and/or blanket, looking at the tender weather and enjoying a warm drink. It's relaxing, refreshing, and a huge de-stresser. Chilling out with a good book after a long day, curling up like a cat- it's my idea of fun, what can I say?

7. Cats. I'm sorry, I can't help it. And other furry animals. I have a dog, and I love him. I love furry animals that let me cuddle them. They're absolutely precious. And better yet, they have personalities. They are better than a lot of people sometimes, and they are so simple and so intriguing at the same time. I could rant forever why I love cats and dogs in particular. They're just absolutely precious and if I'm not married by the time I settle down in a place with a steady job, I'm probably immediately adopting a ton of pets. Just saying.

8. Travel. It's a very expensive activity, but it's so worth it. I've lived in three states, visited two other countries, with more plans for the future (hopefully). You learn so much on even silly road trips. You get to connect if you are going with others, or connect better with yourself when you are on your own. You get to see a new culture, a different society- even just in other states, it's so different. I love going to new places and finding out their secrets. It's incredible.

9. Hugs. I get them less than ever (due to living away from home and my bff thinks hugging each other often is weird), but I've learned to appreciate them even more. Every time I say hello and goodbye to my family, I hug each and every one of them- if not more. I have received comforting hugs from friends as well, and they mean so much. Also, the best hugs ever- being lifted off my feet! It's such a tiny, silly rush, but it really means the world to me. It really feels like someone else cares, and it only takes a second to show! I even appreciate the awkward hugs, okay? Every hug. Even silly hand hugs. Its the best.

10. And finally, musicals. I've watched Into the Woods seven times this year so far, and I'm looking forward to more. I am still struggling in denial of never seeing First Date, and I'm hoping I will eventually see Dracula, Newsies, and basically every musical. Several times over. Even in other languages. Because it's something amazing.

Okay there's my list of things I'm thankful for! At least, a few of them. They're kind of broad, too. Sorry ;D Now, I know many people carry around their gratitude journals, and people list off ten things daily. That was a little out of my power but at least I was able to do this!

Now, what are you thankful for?

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

2014's Progress

One month to go before it's 2015! Is that crazy, or is that crazy?

So I like reminiscing. What has happened this year?


I am back in the game, baby! Went to school full time for the first time in say, about three years? Yeah. It was crazy! But it's been fun! I tried philosophy, writing, astronomy, and more! And passed with a 3.8 GPA so that's pretty awesome, right?

Also, road trip to the grand canyon with Katie, my best friend and roommate ever! 

It was decently spur of the moment, and just us for a three day weekend! It was colder than we expected- especially as we slept in her car- but it was a blast! We did a camp dinner, wandered around, and just had a blast in everything we did!

My first cruise! Also with Katie. We are on a roll! It was a blast and I finally went to Mexico! About time, since I lived next to the border for about ten years, yeesh. But it's all good!

Summer time! I unfortunately did not get the internship I had been hoping for. Instead, I stayed in Cedar City with Katie and had a house to ourselves once again. It was pretty freaking awesome. We enjoyed the parades, worked a lot, enjoyed the Shakespeare Festival, and ate lots of food! Because that's what we do. Plus, sparklers! I got to play with those for the first time in ten years. It was amazing!

By the way, I did Ballroom Dance Camp! It went twice as awesome as I had expected, to be honest. PLUS that meant TWO weeks with my family- haven't had that in forever. AND my older sister was back from her mission! Us girls had a blast at camp and then fun family activities like hiking, celebrating my big 22, and more!

And as that ends. school begins! Harder load, seeing as I took on THREE JOBS. Yeah, it's tricky but it's going! 
1. Food Prep/Cashier for Chartwells (Papa Johns, etc)
2. Reporter for the University Journal
3. Social Media Marketer for Farmers Insurance.

And 17 credits. But hey, why not? I have had awesome roommates to do fun things with. like photoshoots, and seeing plays!

Fall break came around and I got to make a quick trip home before my family moved to Utah- that was weird!

Thanksgiving will be posted about soon, and then Christmas! Yowza! My, how time flies!*

*Want to know why? As we get older we set routines and as they become habit, our brains do everything without really having to use too much conscious power... so we are mostly alert for what is not routine, which is very little. That's how time flies. Don't let it pass you by!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Playlist #1- Gooooooood Morning!

The one thing I wanted in the mornings for this last summer was good music to help wake me up! I started taking a few morning shifts at 7 AM (I know, ridiculous or what?), and used particular songs to help get my day started!

SO I compiled a list of ten songs, as you can see, of what I consider to be decent morning/wake-up songs. Granted, you may start getting mad at whatever song you use every morning, so I definitely suggest you try switching it around every other morning or so. Something like that.

Anyways, I put up these videos and my reasons of WHY this is a decent playlist. Enjoy:

Eye of the Tiger by Survivor. 
There is a slight possibility I have watched too much Supernatural. But come on! This song never gets old. Never. My mother would try playing different songs in the mornings to get us kids up for the day. As annoyed as I always was... you cannot stay mad at this song. Not even Sam Winchester can. Not really.

Good Morning by (trio) Singing in the Rain
Speaking of another song that never grows old... this is ageless! And can you believe it took me about twenty years to learn what this complete song was? yeah, I never heard the whole thing until I spent more time with my grandparents and they started showing me the ropes of the good ol' days and musicals. Because it's freaking awesome. And come on, Gene Kelly.

Wake Me Up Before You Go Go by Wham!
I think that's right, anyways. Pretty sure. This song is just too catchy and amusing to be left in the dust, am I right? And there's really not much else to say to it. Jam out and enjoy it!

Roar by Katy Perry
I am not a huge Perry fan, and the chorus scripting realllllly annoys me for multiple reasons. But it's also really catchy and I have yet to hate it being stuck in my head. So it made the list, basically. Good way to start the day. Plus at the very least, you can watch the music video and get a good laugh, right?

Come On Eileen by Dexys Midnight Runners
It's fun, it's catchy, and again, I cannot resist dancing to it. The main trick to get up in the morning is to immediately start moving, after all. And what better way to start this all out than to start dancing, am I right??

Wild One by Flo Rida
This is the main song I used for this past summer to get me up. Though the beginning isn't ideal to use to get up, it starts off decently and helps you wake up that way. You can shake it out as you crawl out of bed and start your day! It worked for me, at least.

Jessie's Girl by Rick Sprinfield
Ever since I first heard this song during "13 Going On 30" I have just adored this. I actually have a nail polish color- electric pink/purple called Jessie's Girl. It's pretty freaking awesome and yes, the name is most of the reason I keep and wear it. I couldn't resist! This song is just so... snazzy!

I Like The Ones by Austin Gibbs
Thanks to "The Maine' band, I got to listening to Gibbs. He's got a country twang to his rock and roll and though this song is a bit grungy... I can't help myself. Plus, I saw this guy live. And let me tell you... it's freaking worth it. The vibe is so strong in this song, you cannot lie there in bed listening to it, I promise you. You will at least be twitching along!

Wake Up by Two Door Cinema
I keep promising myself I will listen to them more. And I mean to. And you know what? I will. Because they are worth it. Because this song is worth it. It's a might slower than I prefer for the mornings- but add this to your list towards the end, and it'll keep things running smoothly as you get ready to begin your day!

San Francisco by The Mowgli's
It's one of the many new songs I'm listening to it, and I really enjoy it. I like it. A lot. And it's perfect to finish up as you brush your teeth, grab your things, and head out the door for a brand new day!

Okay, so what do you think? What songs get you started in the morning?

Friday, November 14, 2014

November, November, November....

Less than five weeks left of school!
Plus Thanksgiving break, so...
Basically, like four weeks left of school!

Anyways, things are crazier than ever- I'm working about 40 hours a week as of next week, GAH. Plus school is crunching down. AND I'm plotting for next semester (can it get any crazier?)

And the holidays are abounding! Halloween is over and on to the next one.

I am hoping to be able to make it to see my family up north for the holidays. They have a new house and everything! Should be pretty awesome, am I right?

By the way, I'm doing the crazy thing I have always said I would never do: 
Listening to Christmas music already!

I know, insane, right? But I'm so ready for the season! Are you??

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Story Book Parade

The other day Katie, as relief society president in our church ward (huge calling, huzzah!), was asked to find a few volunteers for the Story Book Parade!

It was called something along those lines, anyways.

Anyways, so we headed out a little after one to get prepped up. We got our other roommate Kali to come along, along with Katie's Ryan. The current beau. We met up with our bishop and some more friends from the ward and then, as we admired other costumes, we divided the ones we were given!

Choices: two princesses, a dog, a bear, a turtle, and a hare.

Since I was never a big fan of hunky costumes, I am more than willing to admit that I definitely preferred the princess costumes. However, I am able to acknowledge that I don't exactly look like one, especially with my glasses and short hair. And short stature, let's face that. So I shrugged and accepted my fate as:

The turtle!

It got amusing and remained amusing for ten minutes. Not so much as Katie spent laughing at me, but whatever. I teamed up with Kali because she could barely see through her huge mask head. It was so hot and stuffy- try wearing a pillow pet on your head in the sun. It's not easy!

Us animals met up at our station with a couple of kids and such, who loved our costumes. And we headed out!

At first, Kali and,  I just were going to link arms and stroll around and wave. But eventually we gathered the courage to start high-fiving kids. Then they started hugging us. Then they got excited for a "ninja turtle" (sorry, not actually a fan), and eventually I fell so behind, I had to run after my float!

Try running in a fat suit and two pillow pets on your head in the sun. With your hair in your face. And not being sure if those pillow pets are really staying on or not! Tricky or what?

But still, the kids were adorable and I kept running along. Luckily my untied shoe didn't trip me, I didn't fall over kids, and I didn't even pass out! Because I'm pretty sure I was really, really cutting it close. It's been an hour and I'm still really hot and dehydrated.

Overall, I'm glad I wasn't a character while working at Disney World. I might have died. But I'm glad I had the opportunity to try it out, and I'm so glad I got to do it with Kali. She's such a doll and we had a good time laughing together over the whole charade!