Saturday, November 8, 2014

Story Book Parade

The other day Katie, as relief society president in our church ward (huge calling, huzzah!), was asked to find a few volunteers for the Story Book Parade!

It was called something along those lines, anyways.

Anyways, so we headed out a little after one to get prepped up. We got our other roommate Kali to come along, along with Katie's Ryan. The current beau. We met up with our bishop and some more friends from the ward and then, as we admired other costumes, we divided the ones we were given!

Choices: two princesses, a dog, a bear, a turtle, and a hare.

Since I was never a big fan of hunky costumes, I am more than willing to admit that I definitely preferred the princess costumes. However, I am able to acknowledge that I don't exactly look like one, especially with my glasses and short hair. And short stature, let's face that. So I shrugged and accepted my fate as:

The turtle!

It got amusing and remained amusing for ten minutes. Not so much as Katie spent laughing at me, but whatever. I teamed up with Kali because she could barely see through her huge mask head. It was so hot and stuffy- try wearing a pillow pet on your head in the sun. It's not easy!

Us animals met up at our station with a couple of kids and such, who loved our costumes. And we headed out!

At first, Kali and,  I just were going to link arms and stroll around and wave. But eventually we gathered the courage to start high-fiving kids. Then they started hugging us. Then they got excited for a "ninja turtle" (sorry, not actually a fan), and eventually I fell so behind, I had to run after my float!

Try running in a fat suit and two pillow pets on your head in the sun. With your hair in your face. And not being sure if those pillow pets are really staying on or not! Tricky or what?

But still, the kids were adorable and I kept running along. Luckily my untied shoe didn't trip me, I didn't fall over kids, and I didn't even pass out! Because I'm pretty sure I was really, really cutting it close. It's been an hour and I'm still really hot and dehydrated.

Overall, I'm glad I wasn't a character while working at Disney World. I might have died. But I'm glad I had the opportunity to try it out, and I'm so glad I got to do it with Kali. She's such a doll and we had a good time laughing together over the whole charade!

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