Sunday, August 17, 2014

College Points

I've been in college for a while.

In and out, that is.

For about four years. And in this accumulation of times, people, and adventures, I realize I've learned a few things. However, these are the only things that I can think of off the top of my head. Also, I am currently living off-campus from my university, and I do believe this could count for whatever circumstance other students are in:

1# Be friendly. Smile and make friends. It makes things a lot easier. You can share books in class and put together a study group (do it EARLY on if the class will be even slightly tricky. I waited until it was just for finals which worked, but it would have been twice as fun a semester to really study and bond with classmates).

2# Go to the events. Don't go if you hate them. I mean, I go to the occasional football game, but more for the atmosphere than rooting on the team. Sorry, Thunderbirds! But still, go to some of the events. It's a great way to have fun, usually for cheap- and hello, you're paying your student fees. You better go to some of those! Also, join a club. I joined archery. I didn't know a thing going in, but there were teachers and people at all levels.

3# If like myself, you're paying your way- or most of it- pay attention to your budget! But still make room for fun. The occasional movie, the midnight run to get that mexican burrito your roommate is craving, and so on.

4# Have fun, and take advantage of every adventure. SAY YES. Not like Jim Carry "Yes Man" style because that could be dangerous. But they want to go on a sudden trip to the Grand Canyon? Yes! Go camping in the middle of nowhere? (If that's your kinda thing) Yes! They want to try making pad thai? Yes! Sneak into a movie? Yes! (Okay, I'm not advocating that either.) Go to the park in the dark and spin until you're sick? Yes! Find out what your school can do for you, learn about all the hidden nooks and crannies of your town/city, and find a way to go places whether it's walking, biking, or driving. Try it out!

And that's all I can think of. By doing these things, I'm enjoying the small town college life without going too crazy. Because that can happen. But I know people who work themselves into panic attacks (when they don't really have a problem, usually, but they push too too hard), or all they do is work and are too tired to do anything else (aka fun).

So wake up, and smell the sunshine! Do what you can while you still can! Trust me, even if at first it seems awkward or insane, you will cherish those memories in the time to come.

Is there a country song that seems to echo my point? I'm not positive.

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