Sunday, August 24, 2014

Spelling and Stories

My major is English, with an emphasis in Creative Writing. Is anyone really surprised? I didn't think so!

Anyways, spelling is always a tricky thing because English has so many rules which don't make sense and are more often compromised than one should be. So, here's a few basic tips.

To/Two/Too: Yeah, it took me a while. But I had some awesome elementary teachers who I believe are the ones who taught me this trick.
To: I'm going to the store. The word is short because the point of it is short.
Two: It has a W with more than one V, so it's a number.
Too: essentially, much or more. I have too much stuff. I want to do it, too. An addition- so there's an extra O!

Then/Than: Okay this one I figured out about the time I was 16. Just because I could write doesn't mean I could spell- don't you love how flawed we are?
Anyways, I don't have any clever tricks for this one. Do you? I just know that the word with A is a comparison. The one with E is more of a time frame. I'd rather go kayaking than cycling. I'd rather go kayaking then cycling. See? They have different meanings.

And that's enough for now. I could get us started on grammar but that's... well.... another time.

Here's a quick story as reward for paying attention:

All that has ever happened to me, has happened in the rain. I was even born in the rain, some eighteen years ago in the middle of April... I lost my first tooth in the rain, slipping off a step. I made my best friend in the rain, jumping in the puddles. I had my first kiss with my next door neighbor, Rusty, in the rain.

But then... somehow things began to change. Good things stopped happening, you know? I fell down the school steps and broken my leg when I was fourteen. The next year, my sister's car crashed in a rain storm. Then our backyard flooded and our basement ruined. My best friend moved on a rainy day. I even had my heart broken in the rain.

"What are you going to do?"

I glance over from staring down at my big, red rainboots. "Excuse me?"

"You don't have an umbrella," the boy says plainly, gesturing lightly. I cock my head, wondering if I know him. Average clothes, hair, bag, everything. Average boy doesn't seem to have a familiar face, I decide.

"I know," I say finally.

He shifts his bags, eyes glancing around between his large framed glasses. He looks like a nerd. But... not a nerd-nerd. A nerd boy... How can I explain it? I don't think I can. I mean, slim body and glasses and his backpack say it. But he's not that much of a chicken, and he's got nice hair, and he's not having a problem with his bag, either, so...

So he's sort of average, maybe.

Like me, I guess. Dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, a few freckles. I'm not fat but I'm not skinny either, and I don't care for dressing up too much or putting on lots of make up. In fact, I'm wearing a long-sleeved top over a dress and jeans and my red boots. Kind of odd, I guess, but... it's average-me, you know?

"You want to borrow mine?" He offers me after a moment of somewhat-awkward silence. He's got a nice voice though, I decide. Not high and squeaky like some, and not too low either. I glance at his hand, holding a clear umbrella.

"You need it," I shake my head, glancing back out to the rain. What will happen this time? I can't help but wonder. Something always happens in the rain. Almost like fate, destiny, or something. It just... happens. Something, that is. And I never know.

"I walk in the rain all the time," he continues talking even as I turn away a little, persistant but not to the point of just plain annoying. "Honestly, I'd feel bad about taking this and leaving you to walk in the rain."

"How do you know I walk?" I glance over, mildly surprised.

He chuckles, fiddling with his hair. "Because you do, every day. For one, it's just community college, and you're in some of my classes, including the last chemistry one. We leave at the same time, every day. Except I like to walk slow, and when you turn right at Burberry Lane, I turn left."

"Are you stalking me?" I ask finally, and wonder why I hadn't ever noticed myself.

"No, I just pay attention to my repeated surroundings," he sends me an impish smile. "Now please, take it?" He holds out the umbrella towards me once again.

I look at him for the longest time, and turn back to the rain right before us, as if it's silently taunting me, staring me down. Droplets fall from the building's edge and pounce on my red boots. Why did I get these silly things? Because my sister thought they were cute, I guess. And she still hadn't been too well when I bought them, so... I still have them. They make me smile, and feel different. Confident, I suppose.

"I could walk slow." Chewing my lip, I glance over at him hesitantly, wondering what he'll say. Or maybe he's getting picked up, is that it? Or am I too strange- or worse, boring- to be around? I wait and watch his smile widen a little.

"Sounds like a plan I could agree to," he says, and pops up the umbrella. "It's not much, but it'll protect us a little," he says needlessly, shyly stepping closer.

Ready to brave nature's wrath, we take the first step together, and the next, and then we're walking down the sidewalk. It's quiet for a while, but it's not too bad. And we find just the right pace to walk at, for both of us. Maybe a little slow for me, a little fast for him. But I don't mind.

"So you like chemistry?" I ask finally, and almost wince. It's conversation, but it's also pathetic conversation. I mentally kick myself as I glance over, wondering if he'll just kick me away at my pathetic attempt to converse.

"Yeah," he grins. "I actually almost went into art history to major, but then I switched." He explains shortly, and I notice his smile isn't average. It's crooked, actually... and kind of cute, if you like crooked smiles anyways.

Art history? Only really, really smart and talented people get into that, I think and nod slowly. I kick a pebble out of my way, and wonder again why I'm wearing these ridiculous clothes. But my sister likes to fiddle with my clothes, and I just barely decide what I wear these days. I don't blame her, though. She hasn't been right since the crash, after all.

"What about you?" He inturrupts my thoughts, kicking his own pebble- or was it mine? I'm too distracted to tell. "You know, chemistry?" He reminds me, shifting the weight of his bag.

"I cook," I say finally. "I failed it last year, so I'm retaking it." He raises his eyebrow and I feel the need to explain. "I love cooking and playing with it, but I never really cared about... you know, mixing other things together. I just like to make it look pretty and taste good."

"Yeah, I don't see how it could be too fun in our classroom," he nods with a chuckle. "But cooking? That's really impressive."

"Thanks," I mumble shyly, and wonder why my cheeks are heating up so much. All the same, I can't make them stop and it's really embarassing. So I pull my hair down, glad I didn't pull it back today, and make it hide my face a little, just enough I pray.

Our conversation is slow and mellow, but it's nice and peaceful at the same time, and he seems like a good guy. In fact, we stand on the edge of Burberry street for over ten minutes, still talking and unable to leave.

"Well, I guess I have to go," he sighs at last, seeing the time on his watch. "I have to go pick up my little brother," he explains. "Elementry school, just down the street." He pauses, hesitating. "Here, take this," he says finally, offering me the umbrella.

I shake my head, biting my lip. "No, I mean, you need it. You have farther to walk, and your brother..." I trail off, fiddling with one of the strings on my dress. My heart beats a little faster than normal, and I feel myself tempted to take the umbrella, but I really shouldn't...

"Please," he laughs, shaking his head. "Mikey loves the rain, and would never stand under an umbrella. You, on the other hand, should really take it. I'm the one with a hooded jacket, after all," he smiles, and stretches it over to me at least. "Just for today?"

"I'll return it in class," I nod at last, and gingerly take it.

His hands grab onto his backpack, smiling crookedly at me before he steps away to leave. I look over him again, unable to help myself. Talking to this boy... he's not average, though he may have looked it before. Actually, I can't tell what was so average before. Because he's not. He's got a future, a family, plans... he's got a real life playing for him, it seems, a really good guy.

"I'm Melanie," I blurt at last, realizing I don't know his name.

"Hello, Melanie. I'm Trevor." He gives a little wave-like salute. "I'll save you a seat in class, okay?"

"Promise?" The word slips out before I can help it, and I start blushing again.

His smile widens, and I think his cheeks are heating up a little as he ducks his head, glancing at his sneakers. But then he looks up one last time to meet my eyes. "Promise." And then he turns away, into the pouring rain.

I stand there with Trevor's umbrella for several minutes, just watching him. Grudgingly, I eventually begin walking in the other direction, my thoughts playing over our conversation and walk. But I won't analyze this, it's too special to me. I don't know why, but it is.

I'm walking up my driveway before I know it. Before I reach the porch, however, I pause to look up at the dark, cloudy sky. Droplets continue to pelt the umbrella that protects me from the rain, and I watch them bouncing and sliding around. My thoughts stray again, and a little smile begins forming.

Dropping the umbrella, I stretch out my arms to the rain, receiving with my heart and mind. Today, was good. It rained. Maybe my luck is back, and maybe it's not luck. Maybe it's just life. I finally stop twirling on the grass before I ruin my bright red rain boots, pick up the wonderful clear umbrella, and I step inside, the smile still there.

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